Throughout our build, the Outremer team sent us weekly update photos, which we always looked forward to. She was finally starting to look more and more like a finished boat. It was at this point that we had two of the most exciting and difficult decisions to make — coming up with a hull graphic design and naming the boat.
Graphic Design & Vinyl Hull Wrap
We knew that we wanted a vinyl hull wrap to protect the gel coat and minimize the amount of maintenance needed for two large hulls. As long as we were wrapping it, why not make it a fun and unique design? We did a few graphic design campaigns on Design Crowd but weren’t too keen on anything that we received. It turned out that one of our tenants in a property we managed knew a race boat designer — Tattoo Tony (yes, that’s his name!). He collaborated with us to come up with a design we liked. The Outremer vinyl wrap specialist, Brieuc, further refined the design to our liking.
When our boat came out of the shed Matthieu, the Sales Manager at Outremer, sent us a video of the vinyl hull wrap being applied. We then watched as she moved through to launch. It was quite a thrill and an interesting process, as you can see.
After the wrap was applied, she went back into the shed to have her name put on. This was a very exciting day!
Choosing the Perfect Name
We wanted to choose a strong name for our boat. It had to say something about the tenacity and fierceness of our fast, strong, and sea-worthy performance catamaran. We also wanted it to say something about us as owners and our story.
The word “Relentless” kept coming up many times as we explored our options. We considered that one needed to be relentless to work toward the goal of getting the training and experience it takes to cruise so the word fit us as sailors and cruisers. Then one morning in church, one of our elders shared a quote by Eugene Peterson. It was a quote that he would whisper in his son’s ear each night as he was sleeping, “God loves you. He’s on your side. He’s coming after you. He’s relentless”.
Upon hearing this story, we just knew that Relentless was her name. We are people of faith and this word spoke volumes to us. And so our boat’s name became Relentless.

There she goes to the lift to begin her sea trials.
She floated and passed her sea trials! We are getting closer to meeting her. Won’t be long now...